The World According to Cb...

The World According to Cb...

Monday, March 07, 2011

Being Open to All Possibilities

This past weekend was one of the best I’ve had in a long time, full of laughter, great friends, late nights, and early mornings(!)… but the preface to it was based on a conversation I had with my friend Jerald many months prior.

I was in the midst of the beginning of the end of a relationship and not in a good place, head and heart wise.  In the course of conversation he noted two things that really resonated with me:

-          When we’re in grief we live in the past, remembering the good times, and hoping for more of that in the future.  But we basically ignore the reality of the present, and that’s where we actually live.

-          And if you’re going to live in the present you have to be open to all possibilities; the moment you start to hope and plan for an expected outcome, you’re already in the future.

Those two nuggets really helped me through some dark times, as did several other great friends and counsel.  But as I’ve transitioned to a much better place after, the second point has really stayed with me.  Being open to all possibilities has allowed me to accept not just when a bad situation has to be dealt with, but even more importantly to be able to enjoy the far more frequent positive aspects of life.

So the thing I think about today is what will come our way and how are we going to react to it?  Yes, being open to all the possibilities can certainly better prepare you to handle the hard times, but it also gives you the freedom to live in the present while still hoping for a great future, and making memories you’ll be proud to remember.  Ciao for now – Cb…


Angella price said...

Very well said... We should always live our lives open to all possibilities!! That way.. We are always moving forward! :)

marlayna glynn brown said...

Well said. What a breath of fresh air!

About Me

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Austin, TX, United States
A proud single dad, strong cancer survivor, and a guy who loves his bike, red wine, family and friends - the order is dependent on my mood...