The World According to Cb...

The World According to Cb...

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Fat Tuesday, NOLA on my Mind

Today being Fat Tuesday it’s got me thinking about my great friends in New Orleans, and wishing I was there...  To be honest, I didn’t really enjoy my first experience there.  We went and did the classic Bourbon Street tourist thing (read: drink, eat, repeat, all within a couple block radius) – I’m sure the locals were as glad we left as we were exiting stage right.

But that all changed back in 2002 when my good friend Karl and his lovely NOLA wife Laura invited us to do Mardi Gras “local style.”  I had no idea what that exactly meant, but trusted his judgment, and who better to be a tour guide than a native family with the last name Toups?  And I’m so glad I went.

I recall the day was ran with military precision.  The mission was to attend parades – several – and things like location, logistics, and preparation were all well ingrained in the family tradition.  Everyone was given a task, from acquiring food and beverages to toting blankets and chairs and small ladders.  Drinking quite a bit of alcohol was a given, but more from a slow burn perspective than a drunken French Quarter oblivion.  After all, we were starting around 730am and would not stop until well after midnight, and failure to finish was not an option.

We went from venue to venue in a total family oriented capacity.  Kids everywhere, one and all scrambling for the best beads possible and just enjoying the whole day in a true Cajun, “Laissez les bon temps rouler!” fashion.  The day ended with a major parade and our squad rallying at a pre-parked RV, the perfect vehicle for toting a large crowd of now rowdy friends back to the house for more red beans and rice and some much needed sleep.

Since then our LIVESTRONG family has brought me even closer to NOLA via the great Tour de Lis event (this year April 9 FYI – can’t wait!) that benefits us as well as local cancer organizations.  And a couple of years ago we also took the entire staff to New Orleans and worked for a few days on Habitat for Humanity houses, a true team building opportunity.

Throughout it all I’ve developed a true kinship with the people, in fact one of my life highlights was a recent social trip there where my friend, dentist, and amazing trumpet player Ryan Thibodaux took me behind the scenes into the locals nightlife scene.  The energy and pride of being a NOLA resident was so evident, so much that I am very happy to say that my first trip was totally wrong in perspective and I now look forward to any opportunity I can get to visit this amazing city.  Ciao for now – Cb…

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Austin, TX, United States
A proud single dad, strong cancer survivor, and a guy who loves his bike, red wine, family and friends - the order is dependent on my mood...