The World According to Cb...

The World According to Cb...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

No Terrible Twos at LIVESTRONG HQ

Today is a big day here at LIVESTRONG HQ, it’s our two year anniversary of moving in!  The odd thing about it for the staff is we feel like we’ve been here for much longer.  I think that’s indicative of the thought that went into creating this amazing facility, it never really had that “new car smell” to it, to quote the eminent Goldilocks upon her discovery of the third bed, “ felt just right.”

The secret of the great vibe here though has more to do with the attitude of “laidback professionalism” among the staff than it does for the excellent facility and furnishings, but they do go hand in hand.  For example, everyone has the same 4 foot high cubicle from the CEO on down.  Not only does this keep everyone on a level playing field from a “has / has not” perspective, but it also facilitates conversation as it’s easy to make eye contact as you’re walking by.

Chris Land 

The lifestyle culture of LIVESTRONG amongst the staff also builds on the amazing, gold LEED certified (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) building.  Lance and other supporters have donated a lot of very cool artwork throughout the place – not a single dollar we’ve raised goes to this at all – but add in things like we don’t have office hours, or a strict dress policy, heck, we don’t even have vacation or sick time… everyone is expected to do their jobs, dress appropriately, and take time off coordinated with your boss when you need it, it’s that simple.

So at the end of the day this great facility creates an atmosphere of creative and entrepreneurial energy that allows us to do our mission of supporting people living with cancer through direct services and creating a platform for advocacy.  Ultimately though we have to thank you – our supporters – because without your support of time, talent, and treasure this Foundation, these people, and of course this incredible HQ wouldn’t exist.  So THANKS – for all you do! – and we’ll talk soon.  Ciao for now – Cb…


Mdub2355 said...

Sounds like a terfific place to work. The mission alone would make it extremely fulfilling, but it sounds like thikngs are set up to encourage and breed success. Would love to join the team one day.

Mdub2355 said...

pardon my typos...darn iPhone.

About Me

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Austin, TX, United States
A proud single dad, strong cancer survivor, and a guy who loves his bike, red wine, family and friends - the order is dependent on my mood...