The World According to Cb...

The World According to Cb...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Life as We View It

A friend of mine noted that I haven’t been updating here like I said I would, and that was a point well taken.  I think it’s just that life is rolling along so well these days, the inspiration seemed to be coming more from either a negative observation or from trying to solve some kind of problem.

But that in itself got me to thinking that despite my very positive outlook on life these days, I do have some very real challenges.  Life as a single parent is always interesting, and life as a 48 year old single guy is very interesting…  and my most recent real downer was my decision to let my ex have our two dogs full time, rather than wait months and months and then she got “custody.” (I’ll be looking for a new pound pup to rescue very soon!)

So what’s the trick then to having these seemingly big obstacles / challenges and still waking up looking forward to the day?  Simply put: my decision to view things positively.  I recall reading a quote from the Dali Lama that basically said each of us is responsible for our own happiness, and I totally agree.

There are people in this world that if you gave them a million dollars they’d bitch about the taxes.  And then there are others who live in abject poverty yet have the attitude of a king.  For the most part, it’s how they decide to view their place in life and how they choose to act on it.

So for me, I’m blessed to be able to choose to be happy and positive.  Sure, there are instances when I’m pissed off or sad, but those are thankfully very few and far between.  Like I said in a previous column, it’s more about appreciating what I have and not lamenting what I don’t.  Give it a shot, it’s a good life and the only one we’ve got – you might as well enjoy it!  Ciao for now – Cb…


Anonymous said...

I agree totally. It doesn't cost anything to be happy. if you look hard enough there is good in most situations. sometimes you have to squint really hard but it is there! Keep it up Cb!

Lewis said...

Chris, you nailed it! "...[T]o choose to be happy and positive..." is absolutely true. It's a choice. When people who have been given far less to work with create far more than expected, they have used their power to choose. This power of choice is the only thing one can totally control; doesn't that imply that it is a defining power? Great post. Blessings!

Barbara said...

Great post Chris. Couldn't agree with you more. I too struggle each day but finding gratitude in what I do have control definitely makes a huge difference...along with surrounding myself with positive people. Thanks for getting back to blogging.... always a good read

About Me

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Austin, TX, United States
A proud single dad, strong cancer survivor, and a guy who loves his bike, red wine, family and friends - the order is dependent on my mood...