The World According to Cb...

The World According to Cb...

Friday, February 25, 2011

Rescue Me

Most of you who read this already know by now that I’ve got a new family member, Gizmo – actually he joins us this afternoon and I’m sitting here at work like a nervous father waiting for the delivery… and despite the very real sadness of losing Sky and Zoe for the most part, there is a definite bright side to this story.

It’s not so much that Giz is a great dog.  In fact the first time I met him I was pretty sure this wasn’t going to work out.  He was skittish to say the least, but then I went into Dog Whisper mode and thought, “Hey, he was used to a home for the last two years, now he’s essentially in Gitmo with 100 other dogs flipping out on a cold concrete floor.  I’d be a bit freaked out, too.”

Not sure about all of this...
So the following day I came back and took him as far away from the howling herd as I could, and the real Gizmo came out.  You could see he wanted to play (he’s lightning fast), wanted some safety and attention, and it wasn’t long before I knew things would work out just fine.  (At least that’s what I’m telling myself, hell, he could come home and chew up half of Chez Brewer tonight for all I know… but I’m thinking not so much.)

But the real bright side to the story is one of rescue.  Zoe and Sky came from Austin’s Town Lake Animal Shelter – a great place for sure, but one where your time at hand is definitely limited before you go to the Big Sleep – and that’s where Giz came from, too.  So at the end of the day, three great dogs have been saved and will hopefully live long and full lives with their families.

So the next time you’re looking for a lifelong friend, I hope you’ll give great thought to checking out the pound puppies in your local shelter.  I know I’m glad we did, three times in fact.  Have a great weekend, ciao for now – Cb…


Unknown said...

Cool dog CB, yes rescues and shelters are great places to adopt. Our last 2 have come from the Basset rescue in Vegas!

Simply Endurance said...

Chris, Congratulations on the new edition. Good for you in choosing to adopt. I too have rescued an adult dog. We have had him for about 15 months now and I will say without a doubt that I love that dog more then I ever knew would be possible. Good Luck!

Melissa said...

Great post! How great for you send the reminder out about the need to 'rescue' and the great rewards that come with doing it.
And, for those who can't fully commit to taking care of a dog full time, many shelters have 'foster programs' where you can babysit a critter for a limited amount of time when (gulp) the shelters run out of room and you can help to save a life. Cool stuff.

About Me

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Austin, TX, United States
A proud single dad, strong cancer survivor, and a guy who loves his bike, red wine, family and friends - the order is dependent on my mood...