The World According to Cb...

The World According to Cb...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

All Hail The Almighty Checklist

Packing up to leave for a relatively long trip has got me to thinking about organizing and priorities.  When you’re faced with a big task – in this case, all the gear and clothing I’ll need for two weeks in Adelaide, South Australia – I find I literally have to fall back on my USAF flying days, and the importance of the almighty checklist.

Life within an aircrew basically revolves around the checklist.  Failure to use it literally a punishable offense, and in critical / emergency situations just missing one step can mean the difference between life and death.  But event within the checklists there are priorities, categorized as normal and bold face items.  For example, if you’re engine is on fire, you might see this as part of the list:

Shut off fuel supply to affected engine
Engage relevant fire extinguisher system
Check on safety of passengers
Communicate emergency info to HQ

Clearly there are things that need to be done, but there are also things that NEED to be done – or else.

I’ve found that when packing for a long trip there are similar items.  Bold face?  Passport, wallet with debit / credit cards, and iPhone.  If I have those three things and I can pretty much get anything else I might (read: will) forget.  From there it’s a laundry list of laundry and the all electronic gear necessary for life in the digital world. 

But then there’s also the list of things I had to do in preparation for the trip, and that is where the real organization part came in and the value of the checklist.  From making sure there’s food in the house to making sure there are people in the house (and big dogs – so don’t even THINK about robbing Casa Brewer, plz!) and all that needs to sustain that effort really made me think about just how much goes into our daily lives.

Many people talk about simplifying, getting back to just the things we need to exist, contribute and still enjoy life.  Maybe a checklist will help you with that, for me I know I’ll at least have my passport, that is, if I can remember where I put it.  Ciao for now, not sure where you’ll hear from me next, but it won’t be Austin! – Cb…


Anonymous said...

Bravo Chris! Nice pic BTW. Spent plenty of time doing that. My wife was irritated with me in when we lived in Navarre because I made a checklist for hurricanes since I always left with the planes...or should I say irritated till the first hurricane and she had all the answers in her hand. I even put it in an aircrew checkilst binder..LOL.
matt white

Anonymous said...

Chris you still can't remember everything?
Just like when we would head to races or
head to Timberlake. BTW, Matt's a
poser. I don't think even flies anymore!
LMAO. . . Rob Landers

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Austin, TX, United States
A proud single dad, strong cancer survivor, and a guy who loves his bike, red wine, family and friends - the order is dependent on my mood...