The World According to Cb...

The World According to Cb...

Saturday, January 08, 2011

Negative Energy: No

Remember the book, "Tuesdays with Maurie?"  I have Saturdays with Roger... to be succinct, Roger was recently wiped out in a motorcycle accident where someone in a car drifted into his lane and ended up with him losing his left leg below the knee.  I'll let you imagine what happened, and yes, it was that bad.

But that's not the point of this blog.  It's how he approaches his situation, and how I have been thankfully encouraged to face my own personal relationship break up.  The bottom line is that he refuses to expend negative energy.  Not towards the person who hit him, the doctors who couldn't understand his pain management needs, nor the life that he faces without a significant portion of his body.

He simply refuses to.

The reason is that he - and I - realize that when you do something like that, it's your choice.  You choose to go down a road that is dark, evil, and negative and nothing good will come of it.  "The sweetest revenge is success," he told me the other day, sitting in the sun with his amputated leg resting on a chaise lounge chair.

That doesn't mean he doesn't have pain, or great financial need, or new life challenges he never anticipated.  It's how he approaches.  I've been asked the same thing about my situation - why am I not bitter and trying to extract revenge?  What good would it do?  Get me in trouble, consume me with negative thoughts, and ultimately let the actions of a very few people control my life and future relationships: Hell. No.

Life is all about how you approach it, and I always fall back on, "Good feeds good, and bad feeds bad."  So what's in your life that is negative but you give it more attention than you should?  Let it go, and find something good - and focus on that.  Trust me, you'll be glad you do.  Ciao for now! - Cb...


Gint32 said...

Great post CB! Keep positive! This is you best year yet! Everything happens for a reason...

Dana said...

I live by the same and I put it in my mind, body and soul that Good feels Good and Bad feels Bad and I like feeling Good and I like putting Good energy out into the Universe!
Life is waaayyy to short for anything less.
All the best to your friend with this new challenge in his life, he certainly sounds like he has the courage and strength to handle it and look he has already been an inspiration and example to many and many more to come. Awesome!

About Me

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Austin, TX, United States
A proud single dad, strong cancer survivor, and a guy who loves his bike, red wine, family and friends - the order is dependent on my mood...