I'll be the first to admit that I have tried and tried to start a blog and failed miserably. Not bad for someone who's a writer by trade, ay? But that doesn't stop me from trying, and so to rally around that 80's spirit: Here I Go Again...
For the first time in many a year, I am really vested in the new year being a new beginning as it really is a new chapter in my life. My (surprising) divorce finaled yesterday - and while I will not go into detail about that publicy - it is both ironic and cathartic that things literally ended up ending at the start of a new decade. My outlook towards life and all it has to offer is completely positive. My personal catch phrase, "Good feeds good, and bad feeds bad," has been put to the test in spades these last three months, and I am happy to report I still believe in this mantra to the fullest.
It's also been very interesting in the amount of positive outlook that practically everyone I speak to has about 2011. Maybe it was the economy, the BS political wranglings, personal things -a combination of lots of things more likely? But regardless one and all have high hopes for things across the board. As do I.
So let's see where this goes, I plan on it being a commentary on my life, views of what's going on, and hopefully some insight and inspiration along the way. Thanks for reading, I'm just a guy in Austin!
- Cb...
It is a new year and a new start, you fought through cancer Chris, you can do anything! You are an inspiration and you have a great year ahead of you
One foot in front of the other, soldier (or in other words, one day at a time!) You'll get where your going! Hang in there, know you have a lot of folks cheering you on and appreciating your positive outlook.
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