The World According to Cb...

The World According to Cb...

Monday, April 04, 2011

Core Principles

I said it the last time I had a big ab operation back in 1996, and it’s been quite the reminder this past weekend: you never know how much you use your core muscles until someone – preferably a surgeon – cuts them open.  So keep that core fit, my friends, ‘cause here’s a list of things that come to mind that are either very difficult these days, all the way to damn near impossible:

Blowing my nose
Getting into / out of: cars, chairs, couches, bed
Sitting for any length of time
Going to the bathroom
Taking a shower
Walking up / down stairs
Any form of exercise other than walking is verboten!
Lifting.  Anything.
Reaching for something
Sleeping in any position other than on your back
Concentrating, due to lack of sleep

Zzzzzzzzzzzz… ciao for now – Cb…

PS - pretty horrified by doing a Google search for clip art here and typed in "stomach surgery"...

1 comment:

Leo said...

I hope you recover quickly Chris!

About Me

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Austin, TX, United States
A proud single dad, strong cancer survivor, and a guy who loves his bike, red wine, family and friends - the order is dependent on my mood...